love nature and live how you like

[...being rants and ravings cut and pasted from somewhere or other...]

21 September 2005

Think holistically

Ourselves, other people, other animals, our mental and physical health, the environment - all comprise one 'substance' ethically-speaking. (Nature is the word I'd use.) I think if you try to see nature holistically like this many moral 'issues' resolve themselves. The notion of self-interest collapses if you act in accordance with nature, because to act against nature is detrimental to yourself.
In this context, living non-violently is the project - of which veganism is, or should be, an important expression.

08 September 2005


I believe any economic system - capitalism, socialism, whatever- which distances human beings from their subsistence in nature is going to be prone to exploitation of nature, including other humans and other animals. It's a fundamental separation of cause from effect which allows factory farms, wage slavery, toxic waste etc to happen. If every person was (re)connected to nature such things could not happen - in the same way as most people would struggle to saw off their own leg...
I think every act of consumption in the context of our economic system is inevitably corrupt: someone, some animal, some part of nature has been destroyed to manufacture the thing you are buying.
Capitalism can never be reformed - if you try and moderate the process it just does it less well. Capitalism is a magnificent machine into which we pour the earth's resources and get product at the other end: just like a snake eating it's own tail.